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Method Transfer

HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) and GC (Gas Chromatography) are analytical techniques widely used in the pharmaceutical industry to separate, identify, and quantify components in a sample. Method transfer refers to the process of moving an analytical method from one laboratory or instrument to another while maintaining the method’s performance and reliability.

In pharmaceutical HPLC/GC method transfer, there are several key steps and considerations:

Source and Destination Laboratories:

  • The laboratory where the method is originally developed is referred to as the source laboratory.
  • The laboratory where the method is being transferred to is known as the destination laboratory.


  • HPLC and GC instruments from different manufacturers or even different models from the same manufacturer may have variations in their performance characteristics.
  • It’s essential to ensure that the instrumentation in the destination laboratory is suitable for the method being transferred.

Column and Consumables:

  • The type and brand of chromatographic column, as well as other consumables such as solvents, can affect the method’s performance.
  • Ideally, the same column and consumables should be used in the destination laboratory. If this is not possible, adjustments may be necessary.

Method Parameters:

  • Key parameters of the chromatographic method, such as mobile phase composition, flow rate, column temperature, injection volume, and detector settings, need to be transferred accurately.
  • Adjustments may be needed to account for differences in equipment and environmental conditions between the source and destination laboratories.

System Suitability Testing (SST):

  • SST is a crucial step in method transfer. It involves running a series of tests to ensure that the chromatographic system in the destination laboratory is suitable for the intended analysis.
  • Parameters such as resolution, peak symmetry, and retention time should meet predefined acceptance criteria.


  • Once the method is successfully transferred, it may be necessary to revalidate the method in the destination laboratory to ensure its accuracy, precision, and reliability for the specific conditions.


  • Proper documentation of the method transfer process is essential. This includes recording any adjustments made during the transfer and providing evidence of the method’s suitability in the destination laboratory.
chemical testing tool

Pharmaceutical HPLC/GC method transfer is a critical aspect of ensuring consistency and reliability in analytical results when methods are implemented in different laboratories or with different instruments. It helps maintain the integrity of pharmaceutical analyses and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Contact Founders Science Group today to discuss how our expertise in Chromatography analysis can help you.

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