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Unlocking the Secrets of Your Products: The Science Behind Our Testing Services

Chromatography FDIC hardware

At Founders Science Group, we leverage cutting-edge analytical techniques to provide comprehensive insights into the chemical composition and properties of your products. Our expertise in chromatographic and spectroscopic methods enables us to support a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, environmental, and materials science. Gas Chromatography (GC) with Dual FID and Headspace: […]

MassEcon Welcome Reception

Massachusetts Econ Event photo

As a new business in Massachusetts, Founders Science Group was invited to the 9th Annual Corporate Welcome Reception hosted at Sanofi Genzyme in Cambridge, MA. FSG was honored to be a part of the 18 companies that were recognized at the event. The celebration was attended by several senior state officials, including Governor Charlie Baker. […]

FSG Celebrates New Location!

Ribbon cutting ceremony

On March 21st, 2017, Founders Science Group celebrated the opening of our new location in Taunton, MA with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The event was put on in with support from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) and MassBio. Along with friends and family, FSG was joined by the following distinguished guests: Travis McCready, President […]

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