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Cosmetics Industry

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Personal Care Industry


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Pharmaceuticals Industry

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Exciting Things Happening

We hope this section will bring you some key highlights of things happening at our company and in the industry.  Our goal is to keep our customers and others updated with things we find of high value and interest for both our company and the community.


Storage and Stability Requests:

Analytical Testing Requests

Drug Formulation Development where different medicines are manufactured by companies who specialize in drug formulations like Founds Science Group
Formulation Development

The Importance of Drug Formulation Development

How to Create a Successful Drug Drug formulation development is a critical step in the drug development process, but not everyone knows what the key steps in this process are, how a drug is created and what things must be considered during the creation. Here are some key things

Product Formulation Development is a multi-step process
Formulation Development

Why Formulation Development Is So Important

Formulation development is a pivotal step in the pharmaceutical process, ensuring that a drug is effective, safe, and stable. This critical phase involves the meticulous crafting of a drug’s composition to maximize its therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects. Here’s a deeper dive into why

benzyne testing

Need for Improved Testing of Benzoyl Peroxide

Two recent articles from the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) have highlighted the urgent need for improved testing of Benzoyl Peroxide products at this critical time. The article titled “Statement by the Personal Care Products Council on Valisure Petition on Benzoyl Peroxide in OTC Personal


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