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News and Resources

Latest Happenings in Our Company, Industry and More...

Exciting Things Happening

We hope this section will bring you some key highlights of things happening at our company and in the industry.  Our goal is to keep our customers and others updated with things we find of high value and interest for both our company and the community.

analytical and chemical testing laboratory equipment

FSG Service Highlight: Water Testing

Founders Science Group provides state-of-the-art water testing services.  Our analysts are well-experienced in both handling and preparation of water samples and their knowledge reaches beyond the testing process.  Our staff evaluates each sample received prior to analysis in order to identify potential sampling errors, which

analytical testing equipment - offering chemistry analysis and more

New Equipment Coming Online: UHPLC

An Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC will be coming into service July 2017. The UHPLC will expand our LC offerings, allowing Founders Science Group to tackle the most difficult chromatography tests with an added level of efficiency and robustness. FSG will now be offering method

under construction graphic

Facility Expansion Announced!

Founders Science Group is pleased to announce the expansion of our facility, with the construction of a new GMP Storage area. This is an ongoing process to transform our current facility to enable us to meet the growing needs of our clients. This additional square

analytical testing laboratory equipment

FSG Service Highlight: Penetrability USP<381>

Using our Product Actuation and Weighing Station (PAWS) our staff are able to test stoppers according to USP<381> for penetrability. We are not restricted to testing glass vials–using a 3D printer we are able to modify the machine to hold and analyze a wide range

analytical testing laboratory equipment

New ICP-AES Online!

Founders Science Group has recently completed the installation of a new, ICP-AES, to assist our clients in addressing the 2018 regulatory changes due to the introduction of USP <232> and USP <233> and the related information in ICH Q3D. Founders Science Group is equipped with

Massachusetts Econ Event photo

MassEcon Welcome Reception

As a new business in Massachusetts, Founders Science Group was invited to the 9th Annual Corporate Welcome Reception hosted at Sanofi Genzyme in Cambridge, MA. FSG was honored to be a part of the 18 companies that were recognized at the event. The celebration was


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